New Camera!

Hello my lovely Readers!

I got a new Camera!! My Dad gave me a new one for my old one :D Thank you <3
I made these Pics a few Minutes ago and the Light was not the best but i think you can already see the difference!
Tomorrow i show you the first Outfit with better Pics (finally!) and today some new Things i bought lately :)

Have a great Day!

PS:I promise to answer Comments very soon! Esp tomorrow because i am awake all Night(Dragon Tattoo!!) and i have time to "work" on the Computer ;)

Yves Rocher FlowerParty Perfume and Tangerine Shower Gel / Essence silver Nail Stickers

H&M Bracelets / Asos Ring

Balea SunDance SunProtection for the Lips / Balea Roll On for the Eyes

Skirt a la Marc Jacobs from H&M

H&M Cardigan

DvDs: Emergency Room Season 9 / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 / Revolutionary Road

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